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"Creative Thoughts" by Charlotte
A short collection of my poetry, stories, articles and inspiring thoughts written from my heart and hand.  I hope that you will be touched by something and that you will understand.  'Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder' but beauty may deeper found within the  creative writer.

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In Memory of Irma

My mother was an artist.  She painted pictures with oil paints and watercolor.  My mother was always impressed by my ability to write poetry, storys and extremely descriptive letters. When she was dying, I sat down beside her and wrote from my heart into my journal.   She asked what I was doing.  "I'm painting a memory of you and this moment with words."  "Oh," she said, "I always wondered how you did that."   This is dedicated to my mother who always inspired me to be creative. 

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The Dream Thief

 by Charlotte - June 22, 1998

Once upon a time there was a nasty, evil creature called The Dream Thief.  He was very negative, extremely doubtful and always believed the worst.  He was also very critical with a sharp tongue, crooked teeth and cold, piercing black eyes that looked right through you into your soul.  He survived only on other people's dreams and possibilities.

The Dream Thief had only one thing that would stop him from taking a dream --Faith!  He couldn't really steal the dream, for you see, he had to talk a person into giving up their dream because of doubt and fear.  He would spend hours sending fearful words to help paint a dismal picture in their minds.  He has been known to play dirty, using mistakes from the past to convince you that failure is certainly around the corner in the not-so-distant future.  He will resort to anything.   The Dream Thief, will run to your friends, who you trust, and use them against you.  He will point out the fact that if they can't believe in it, your dream must not be possible.  If you listen to even a few words you could start to worry about what your friends think about you and your dream.

Rememer, The Dream Thief is out there but only you can stop him.  Guard your dream, remind yourself daily that if you can dare to dream it, you can achieve it. 

The Dream Thief hates to see you happy and positive, believing the best of others and yourself.  He hates to see you make positive changes and he hates to see you succeed at anything.  He also snacks on never, ever envy anyone else's dream - get your own and make it happen for yourself.

Dare to dream for the world needs more dreamers.  Don't give up your dream to the Dream Thief  -- hold on to it and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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by Charlotte (Cherry) Langlolis  

written 1996


What is an Olympic Spirit made of?

What drives the will to run a race?

Is it for their own personal goal to  receive the gold medal or is it the thrill of victory? 

Where does their determination and perseverance come from? 

As I watched the Olympics along with millions of other souls, I couldn't stop thinking about the awesomeness of the Olympic Spirit in those people respresenting their many nations of the world. 

From the majestic entrance of all the countrymen of nations united and joined together, each representing their country in pride and dignity, pursuing a personal goal, to the ones who pushed themselves through the tears of pain to finish the competition.  What an incredible act of courage for oneself and for the team. 

An Olympic Spirit to me, is full of courage, unity, determination, perseverance and focus.  An Olympic Spirit does not give up -- not on ones's dream, not on one's self, not on each other. 

It was extremely inspiring to watch the many determined souls each racing to achieve their goals inspite of disasters that tried to stead their focus.  They continued because they were focused, determined and committed.  They had come too far to give up now.  This could be their last chance for the future is uncertain as to where they will be.  They have trained all their lives for this moment and they may not get this opportunity again.  They had to be prepared to finish the race and win the gold. 

So many of us as Christians need to adopt the Olympic Spirit.  Olympiads possess not only a strong will to survive but a determined will to win the victory.  The majority of their hours are spent in training.  They have very little time for fun and recreation, however, they do relax after several hours of preparation -- they buffet their bodies and have iron wills to win.  They don't dwell on past failures but focus only on now...train for NOW, prepare for NOW, do it NOW!   This could be your last chance.

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by Charlotte (Cherry) Langlois

This is one of my fictional stories from my early work.  I wrote this long before I ever met Brian and before I "officially" became a dogowner myself.  We now have a wonderful family pet named, Teddi and I now realize the love you can have for pet.  I wrote this story January 22, 1997.

Warning: If ever asked to watch  someones dog, please think twice lest you experience the nightmare I did one summer.  This type of favor can also severe  close relationships almost as catastrophic as lending money to friends or family members.

Tom and Allison Jeffreys were about to take off for the weekend and asked me to sit with their dog, Maggie. I thought it would be a kind and loving jester of our friendship. It could not possibly be as difficult as baby-sitting for my three rambunctious nephews. I was totally unaware that I was about to be proven wrong.

I arrived as planned on Friday evening at 5:30 greeted by a very friendly and beautiful Irish Setter. We were old acquaintances even though I had never dog-sat for my friends before. Tom and Allison were childless by choice but they made up for it by spoiling their four-footed baby to the max. This is how I came to care for Maggie at "her" house where she would be most comfortable and familiar. It was an extremely beautiful home with two fireplaces; family room; den; sauna and spa; a kitchen with all the latest gadgets and appliances; a huge spacious living room and several bedrooms that would make the hotel Hilton look shabby. I thought that spending the weekend at the Jeffreys "resort", would be like taking a mini-vacation and a pleasant change from my small, two-bedroom apartment.

Allison handed me a two-paged list of special instructions for the care and management of their precious canine. They hugged and kissed their "baby" good-bye They were nearly in tears until I reassured them that Maggie and I both would be fine, although I do not think concern for my fears had anything to do with it. I began to have my doubts as to whether this was a good idea when I looked at the overwhelming and endless list in front of me. I watched my friends enormous display of affection for their dog and my thoughts began to run wild, "Nothing better happen to this mutt or my friends could afford to hire a hit person to bump me offand they would probably do it too."

I was finally able to calm Maggie down following fifteen minutes of sniffing, barking and whining, after we had a little chat about who was actually in control. The Irish Setter raced me into the kitchen where I began to prepare the gourmet dinner as instructed. As her "royal highness" sat patiently waiting for her special protein enriched formula, that looked a lot to me like "stew in a can," I resisted the urge to perform a taste test.

After dinner and a forty-five minute walk to the park, it was bath time. The idea of baby-sitting my nephews was starting to be a welcome replacement for this formidable task. Tom and Allison would be in debt to me for a long time for this favor.

Maggie followed me "eagerly" into the bathroom as I pulled insistently on her leash struggling to dominate the situation. I should have known that bath time with a dog would be as challenging as wrestling three small children into doing the same thing. I would gladly trade experiences at that moment. If I had known what was about to transpire, I am sure I would have been as unwilling as Maggie to enter into this room. The events about to unfold would be worse than a comedy of errors. As it turns out I did not correctly read the list of bath time instructions and used the wrong doggy shampoo causing Maggie to have an allergic reaction of sneezing and scratching. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I remembered the pizza I had ordered thirty minutes before.

I looked at Maggie, wet and extremely disgusted with me, then I looked back at the door, then again at Maggie. I tried to think of a solution to my predicament but the seconds were flying by and I needed a quick decision how to handle this situation? I had to act now! I spoke reassuringly to the soaking and shivering pooch promising to return quickly. As I hurried out of the bathroom, the solid, oak door swung shut behind me and silently locked. As the doorbell continued to sound, I quickly made a grab for my purse balancing on the edge of the chiffonier which fell onto the living room floor, spilling all of the contents and scattering them everywhere. I stumbled over the mess and hurriedly opened the door only to see the delivery truck pulling away. Slumping in disappointment, I ran back inside to finish the wet job waiting for me to continue, only to find the door locked. Now what else could possibly go wrong tonight? The dog began whining and barking from the other side of the door. I realized I would not be able to get "Lassie" to open the door for me so I attempted to calm her down by speaking in a comforting tone through the door. Then I quickly ran outside and around the house in an attempt to open the bathroom window.

Suddenly, the security alarm went off and the entire neighborhood was alert to the "dog-burglar" next door to them. I ran back inside as the neighborhood now had additional sounds of police sirens coming to arrest the attempted felon. 

I ran out to meet them and explained my unusual predicament. The officers were more than willing to help set Maggie free of her porcelain prison, however, I was afraid of the mess we would find after leaving an allergic and frightened, wet dog on her own.

After several attempts, the officers were finally able to unlock the bathroom door. What happened next was almost a blur it happened so fast. As the door released the imprisoned Maggie, she suddenly bounded through the opened doorway and escaped just as Tom and Allison returned home. Apparently they had forgotten something or perhaps they sensed their "child" was in danger. The scene must have been quite a sight to behold. The police car lights were flashing in front of their house and on-looking neighbors were standing near-by. The front door was wide open for all to view the commotion inside. My purse lay on the living room floor with its contents spilled everywhere. Two, amazed, officers in blue stood eagerly awaiting to wrap this call up and get back to their paperwork. And soaking wet dog came running out at full speed to greet his wonderful saviors with slobbery kisses.

I shoved the scattered contents into my purse and walked to the front door. Turning back toward my "friends", I raised one hand as if to stop them from speaking, I said, "Its okay, no need to thank me." Turning again, I walked out the front door and leisurely down the street as if I had just been relieved of my duties from the the worst job in the world. As I went, I promised myself to never sit for anyone again unless it is with a pet rock!

The End.

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Surviving Loss
This is definately a subject I know a lot about from personal experience.  I don't want to give credit to the hideous disease called Cancer but this happens to be an ugly disease which has claimed most of my family and I don't kow why.
The first victim in my family was an uncle (my father's brother) but I was a young teen and not very close to him so it seemed to not affect me very much
Then my brother, Russell, became suddenly ill and this is when my life began to change.  I have kept track of how many have died since my brother.  I share these statistics only to let you know I DO KNOW WHAT GRIEF IS AND HOW TO SURVIVE IT AND OVERCOME IT.
The losses are in the order as I remember them.  Perhaps later I can fill in the exact dates.  Note that both sides of the family have been stricken by the disease.
MY MOM                     -   IRMA
MY DAD                      -  RAY (heart failure)
MY SISTER-IN-LAW      -  MARY (cancer)
1ST MARRIAGE               1974 - 1985
2ND MARRAIGE              1992 - 1997
3RD MARRAGE         1999 - IS A WINNER ~

           * GRIEF *
           by Charlotte Langlois - August 2002

Grief is not the enemy nor is it your friend! 

I have a story to tell you through to the end. 

I may have survived the pain of the loss

but not without heartache & not without cost.


Cancer is an ugly, hideous thief

Causing much sadness and lots of grief.

I watched as my family died one by one.

I tried my best to introduce them to God's son.


Now I stand here strong with head held high

For I have learned how to remain and survive.

I have been left to finish some special task

There are no answers yet for questions I've asked


Until the day when to heaven I too will fly

I guess I'll just continue to wait and try not to cry

I miss them all dearly but life must go on

I have to finish the race for it must be won.


Stay strong in the faith God has given you

He'll give you the strength and you will continue

To be a blessing to others and help if you can

For your life is not over yet -  it has only began